The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

If I Told My Testimony

There this guy named byrd that we've been reachin out to.. The first time I meet him he was drunk and could barley speak, the second time I saw him he didn't remember me but he needed food so i bought him MD's. Then I ran into him again and started talking to him more and more. He said he needed a job and I told him id see what I could do. Well we found him a job with a guy in the church. Well this past weekend he came to church and he didn't just come to church but he brought anouther homless homie with him!!!! He grabbed me by the hand and held it and started to tell me how thankful he was for finding him a job... He said If I could share my testimony I would, then he started weeping in away that I started crying... This man broken beat up by life.. Livin on the streets has a second chance..

He said I really see Jesus in you and the church thank you so much... Well he came to see me today at the office. He told tony that he wanted to come and talk. It was so could to see him and see him in work mode. He had a new pair of shoes and he was ready to roll... Thank you Jesus for never giving up on people!!!!!!


Blogger Nancy Holte said...

Charles, your love for people, that so many consider unlovable or distrustful, humbles me. God has placed a special love in your heart. So amazing and contagious. Others will follow your example.

6:19 PM  

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