The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

God loves the Rapist just as much as He loves the Raped

So a few nights ago, a couple that had come here to serve about 3 weeks with us from Las Vegas, Nevada, took the whole Cup team out to eat. What a treat. It was so nice to dress nice and have a good meal with old and new friends. On the way home from eating, I felt strongly about giving my leftover food away. As I began to pray for the right person, I saw man run by the side of our car. My immediate thought was, "what has been been up to? Probably trouble, why is he running? I don't want to give him my food, I want to give it to a woman or child." Well no sooner had I finished these thoughts when God told me, "I love the rapist just as much as I love the raped." OUCH!! Ok God, I am so sorry for my selfish and judgmental thoughts. At the next intersection, I saw this homeless man who is always standing there. I believe he may be schitzofrinic (not sure how to spell that). Anyway, I knew my food was for him. As we pulled next to him, he was talking to the air, waving his hands around with a look of confusion on his face. Charles rolled down the window and handed him the food. With out any words, his face suddenly changed to appreciation and he just shook his head in thanks. God, please help me to love the world that same way you do. Forgive me for being judgmental. Let me see the world through Your eyes.


Blogger Holly said...

So weird..I had this same conviction! I'm always talking about how I hate the Swazi men, but your right..God loves the rapist too.

7:45 AM  
Blogger merrill5 said...

Thank you for reminding me of this truth.

11:31 AM  

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