The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Scarey, Painful and Exciting

Well let me just start off with saying this has been a wild weekend. It all started when kristen myself and some friends went to south africa for a holiday vacation. Swaziland had its annual reed dance were the king picks his next wife and the whole country shuts down pretty much to go and watch 40,000 girls dance topless for the king.So we decided well we don't want to be apart of that so lets get out of town for a little while. Its the last night when were in joburg and as we are coming home from eating out we see this husband and wife getting robbed at the stop light. It was a guy begging at the street corner and saw the ladies purse sitting on her lap so he bust the window out grabs the purse and takes off running. Then the husband jumps out of the car and chases the guy down leaving his wife in the middle of the road by herself car running and both doors open. As we see all this happening there are two guys walking up to the lady so me and doug jump out of the car and run over to her to try and help her, she is crying like big time. With us running over to her the other guys take off running so we think they were working together and they were going to steal her car. So after that we make it back to swaziland and we have a date night that one of the churches put together for married couples it was very nice our friends doug and tasha did a great job. So were in the middle of eating and i started feeling some pain in my back, nothing to bad just uncomfortable. So i got up went to the bathroom and it started getting worse. By the time I got back to the table I was in so much pain that I could barley walk. Kristen said I was crying I say some dust got in both my eyes. But that not the point. I had to go to the hospital it was hurting so bad. By the time i got there the pain just went away, the doctor said that i had a kidney stone. People if you never had one don't get one they HURT. He said it is worse than labor pains, so when i have a baby I can say I know how you feel. So as Im going home Mike Hamen called me I mean can you say the dude moves in the spirit are what. But thanks man it was good hearing from you. So the next day rolls around and we have a pastors breakfest that we put on to try and bring all the pastors and youth pastors together for the youth crusade that were doing in november. That was exciting I was a little nervous cause its me the nobody tlking to these head pastors and get this they all listened to what I had to say and were fired up with what we are doing . They want to be apart of it and what to help bring more churches together THANK YOU HOLY GHOST!!!!!!! So that was the fun filled past three days of the life of Charles and Kristen. Love Yall and Be Blessed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a weekend!!! Kristen, brent ate a HUGE hotdog...Marina ate some nachos...i drank some "tiger water" and ate one of those frozen lemonade things and danced a little....ALL of which was done for yall and while we were all thinking of yall!!! GO TIGERS!!

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an eventful weekend! Glad to hear you are alright! Praise God that the November event is going so well!

3:30 PM  

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