Don't be a scrooge!!
I love Christmas so much. It is such a wonderful celebration. The birth of our wonderful Lord and Savior. The birth of our hope. The birth of our eternal future. I love the spirit of Christmas. Most people have it. Give or take the few scrooges. I love gift giving (and receiving :). I love family traditions. Charles and I started a tradition last year. We buy each other a pair of pajamas and exchange them on Christmas Eve. Then we wear them that night. I love seeing all my family together. I love all the parties and I LOVE all the good food :) Even though we are still preparing to go to Africa and haven't actually made it there yet, I am already gaining a greater appreciation for my family, knowing that we won't be here next year to share the holidays with them. We do really look forward to spending them with the children in Africa though. What an amazing gift for ourselves to spend the holidays giving the kids some of the happiest moments of their lives. Well I know that wherever we are, we will always celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. And we will always be with everyone we love in spirit. Be happy this season and remember what it is really all about.