The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Friday, June 29, 2007


I'm not sure of you have sisters, but I do, and let me tell you, they are the best!! I am so blessed to have 3 incredible sisters and 2 incredible sisters-in-law. Today, I am missing them a lot. I wish I could have a "sister day" where we eat junk food, shop, watch chick flicks and just talk our heads off. So sis, wherever you are at right now, I am thinking of you and missing you! Hope we get to talk soon :) And if anyone else reading this is blessed to know one of my sisters, please hug them for me today :)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lessons Learned

People ask me a lot, "How do you face that much sadness all the time? Doesnt it make you feel guilty? Doesn't it make you depressed? I don't think I could do it." They are right, you can't do it. Not alone. Only with God.
This week another young child at the hospital died. We had been visiting Rebecca in the hospital for months. A few weeks ago she was discharged. Then, last week, she and her mother went back. We had been visiting everyday since her readmission. It was clear that she didn't have much time left. I felt as though if I missed one day of going, I might miss her. HIV had taken over. She wasn't herself at all. Her whole personality made a drastic change. Then on Tuesday, we walked into her room to see an empty bed.
We left and went straight to her mother's house, a tiny room in a horrible neighborhood. No electricity, freezing cold, and there she was, curled up on the floor, weeping her daughters death. Mary, Zinty and I crawled onto the floor next to her, tears streaming down all of our faces, holding her and trying to comfort her. We had prayed with her and Rebecca many times before, but this was different. She needs a supernatural touch from God to get through this. She has lost 2 children now to this horrible HIV virus. Her world, as tiny as it may seem to an outsider, is all she knows and is falling apart in front of her. No one should have to watch their children suffer.
This life breaks my heart almost everyday. It rips me apart to see the suffering here. But with Christ by my side, there is no where else I would rather be right now. To hold Rebecca's mom. To pray for her. To help her in any way I can. These moments are teaching me the heart of God. There is a song by Carrie Underwood that says, "When life gets that much harder, it makes you that much stronger. Some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned. For every tear that had to fall from my eyes. For every day I wondered how I'd get through the night. For every change life has thrown me. I'm thankful for every break in my heart, I'm grateful for every scar. Some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned."
Please keep Rebecca's mother in your prayers.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Who's Ready

Dude look at all the kids. We need people. People old, young, quiet and just donky crazy stupid for Christ. If you wanna come to the mision field and are scared DONT BE WEAK BABY!!!! Theres a cool group called go global who can hook ya up with your deepest desire for the field. Like I said if your scared. do it afraid!! We need people and we need you. So see ya soon.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Equiping the next Generation

Gotta love getting a bunch of kids together and letting them have needles and knives. We have started a knitting and carving project at the mbabane carepoints. The kids love it. They get to feel like there part of something. Something that they can own. We have a medical team that is coming this weekend and instead of them going to the markets to buy things we can now send them to the carpoints and buy carvings of elephants and other anmals that the kids made. We're so proud of them and cant wait till we can give them some earnings from the sales.

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