charles, me and sanele

play equipment right outside sanele's new home

this is the garden that sanele's house is in charge of


this is the lving/dining room in Sanele's new home

charles and sanele

charles and patrick on the beautiful grounds of Hawane

sanele and his new house mother
God never ceases to amaze me. Sunday morning, we woke up, went to the International Church and then went to lunch with some friends. On our way home, as we were beginning to turn onto our street, we saw Sanele sitting there on the corner. We didn't know what else to do so we picked him up, brought him to our house and gave him a bath. Afterwards, Charles wanted to go find his mother and find out why he was at our corner waiting on us, so he and Sanele drove down to where she stays. As soon as Charles was getting getting close, Sanele started crying. Charles knew he didn't want to be left with her. After about 20 minutes of looking, Charles finally found her at one of her boyfriends houses. She didn't seemed to be concerned with Sanele at all so Charles asked if he could just keep him for the night and then Monday we would bring him to the orphanage Hawane. She agreed and started to go inside and Chalres asked her if she wanted to give him a hug, knowing she wouldn't see him for a long time, so she started back towards him. As soon as she stooped down, he flinched back in fear of her. It breaks me heart every time I raise my hand to give a high five or stoop down to give hug and the childs natural reaction is to flinch back. Well Charles and Sanele made it back, we ate a good dinner and put him down to bed. The next morning we had a staff meeting, gearing us up for the busy month ahead and then we left for Hawane. It is about a 45 minute drive away. We had tried getting some of our Swazi friends to explain to Sanele what Hawane was and that he would be living there. It didn't take long for us to figure out that he did not understand. The way the orphanage works is that it is a huge farm with many homes on it. Husbands and wives live their and almost become like foster parents for the kids. That way the kids are still growing up in a home, with a mother and father and siblings. Each home is in charge of a garden, teaching the children responsibility. They go to school and have the opportunity to go to college or learn trades. The home Sanele is going to live in is very nice, there are 7 kids who live there now. When his house father and mother started showing us their home and introducing their children, Sanele started really crying hard. He did not want us to leave him. It was also very hard on us. Charles was very upset and as he says, he had a lot of dust in his eyes, causing them to water really bad :) After about an hour of goodbye's we had to leave. Tuesday morning we got a phone call that he was doing great and really loving it. They gave him a brand new bike and he was playing and laughing with all of the kids. Wednesday, two men from Hawane met with the mother where she signed over her custody and agreed to let him stay there for good. God has a huge plan for Sanele's life and we are so excited for the new chance at life he is getting. We are going to visit him on Friday and will continue to keep you posted on how he is doing. Thanks for all your prayers!!!