The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Swaziland, the land of opportunity

What do you think of when you hear, “the land of opportunity?” America? Prosperity? Wealth? Jobs? Future? This past year, God has taught me so much. I feel like He is speaking to me, that this year, 2007, Swaziland is a land of opportunity. Not for wealth or prosperity, but for speaking His name! One of my favorite worship songs says, “Jesus, the most beautiful name of all names, Jesus, the only name that brings healing and strength. When I speak your name, mountains move, chains are loosed. When I speak your name, darkness flees, it has no hold on me!” Hallelujah!! There are so many people in Swaziland searching for the answer. Let me not miss one single opportunity to speak the name of Jesus. May the mountains move and chains be loosed!! May the hold of darkness on Swaziland be removed!! Jesus! Jesus! Son of Man! Bread of Life! Light of the World! Good Shepherd! The Resurrection! Yahweh! Elohiym! Adonai! Jehovah jireh, the Lord will provide! Jehovah nissi, the Lord is my banner! Jehovah shalom, the Lord is peace! Savior! Redeemer! The Way, the Truth and the Life!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Back to Swaziland

We are back!! And we are very happy to be back!! We had a great time while we were home in the states with our friends and family. Thanks to everyone for all you did for us while we were home. We will miss you. It is now your turn to come and see us :) We love you all!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

World Mandate '07

Well we have been home for almost 2 full months now!! It's crazy that it is almost over. We are very anxious and ready to get back to Africa though. If anything, this trip has really confirmed out hearts for Africa. We are so sure that we are where God wants us. He has blessed us above and beyond what we have asked for since we've been here, but made sure that we know in our hearts, that we are called to Africa. Thank you, Lord. This past weekend we had the awesome priveledge of going to a missions conference in Waco, Texas. We went last year and loved it, so we were really excited to be able to go again this year. The pictures are from the conference. God's presence was so thick, it just rested on us. The picutre of us and Patrick standing in the front is us about to be prayed for. We were prayed for by everyone there, as missionaires, going back out on the field. It was so cool to be in a place where people were not afraid to cry out for the nations. When the speakers asked everyone to pray, I thought the walls were going to come down. People were crying our in loud voices for the people of Africa, India, Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka and the list goes on. Missionaries spoke of there experiances and prayed for the nations in the native tongue of the land they served in. No one held back. It was AWESOME. We are filled with passion as we will soon be returning to the field. We are leaving Baton Rouge this Thursday, the 8th. please keep us in your prayers!! We love you all!!


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