The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Loving Well

I have to say that God has blessed me with the most amazing network of friends here. Really, they are family. These girls lift me up daily, making my life here so much more complete. They are my friends, my family, my sisters. On October 5th, me and my sisters will be travelling to South Africa for a womens missionary retreat. Please keep all of us in your prayers. Pray for our spritual growth over the retreat. May God love on us as we love on Him! May He fill us with renewed passion for our calling and overwhelm us with new vision.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

How Do I Say Good Bye

Its killin me. This is my last few days here in africa and it is the hardest thing for me to do to say goodbye. The smells the cries the laughter all of it is so contagious. People can tell you all about missions. You can see videos, pictures and hear stories all day long. It will affect you some. But to live it, breath it, touch it and experiance it it gets in your blood.

Im gonna miss going into homstaeds eatng food with the people and sharing life. Holding a baby that has no mother or father just left there to fend for himself. Im sorry if im not making since my brain is going 1000 directions. I love this place and to say good bye is so hard!

My wife will be here for anouther month and then come home to the states. So please keep her in your prayers. And thank everyone for all the prayers and support for the past year and a half.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Monkies Need Jesus 2

Didn't someone once say that we evolved from monkies. Well monkies need Jesus 2

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Can't Sleep

Go Global Team Leader's (my roomie, Greg Evans- love you bro!) first night with me in Mozambique. Yee!!!!

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