The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Walk For Life

A few of you may know that I volunteer at the crisis pregnancy clinic here in Florida. The Carenet Center Is a non-profit, christian pregnancy center, that is focused on helping women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. Our goal is to help them become educated on all of their options, so that they are able to make the best informed decision for themselves and their baby. Carenet offers a variety of services, including free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, counseling, post abortion support groups, miscarriage support groups, medical and legal referrals, adoption referrals, education on abstinence, adoption and abortion, maternity and baby clothes and baby furniture. While we offer all of these services for free, we all know they aren't :) On Saturday, May 3rd, we will be holding our annual Walk For Life to raise money for these services. I will be participating in this 2 mile walk. While I was volunteering before I was pregnant, after hearing my baby's heartbeat this past week, I feel even more dedicated to educating these women and helping them see the babies they carry as a life. If you would like to sponsor me in this walk, please email me at with your pledge. I do not need the money now, just the amount you will pledge. Thank you so much for your help!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

workin it

we had a parade in town so we kickedit thowin outsome gum for some stinky breath peeps. u know people gotta have dat gum

Homless Breakfeast

This am high school students had the homless breakfeast. its awesome weve grown to about 30 peeps.."..

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Me and my rib having QT with JC at 'bux :-)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Dinner at the beach!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Charlie bit my finger - again !

this is halarious!!!!!!


I'm so proud to call him pastor. love that I get to serve under him

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

arc conference

pastor randy doin his thing and sharin his heart!!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

airport love

arrived at airport in alabama and my boy tj had to give me a lil love.

Did someone say sleep over?

Chelsey and Emily

Kelsey and Emily

Seriously, seriously. Do you even want to know :)

Friday night I had a sleep over for my small group girls. We were up until 4am, eating more junk food than anyone should ever eat in their entire lives!! watching movies and playing crazy games :) I love these girlz!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Making Jesus Famous

For the past 6 months my wife and I have been the youth pastors at bayside community church in florida.. It has been a learning experience. One of the things that we've learned is that nomatter where you are are how much money you have or dont have people are always hurting. Wether it is someone who is addicted to drugs or just is oppresed or depressed people are hurting. We really pray and strive that nomatter what we do we want to make jesus famous. If he is made famous then when were surrounded by the dark it is bright.. And the darker it is the brighter it is... Romans 10:14-15 really tells us how to make him famous!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Love My Wife

I always se bumper stickers that have I love my wife so I thought I would have a bumper blog!!!!!!!! I love doing life together with the person who thinks im normal... Well maybe not normal but see loves me anyway

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