7:00 am: still sleeping
8:00 am: wake up and lay in bed for a few minutes.
8:15 am: get out of bed, put on a little make up, pull my hair into a pony tail, spray a little perfume, brush my teeth and leave the house.
9:00 am: we walk down to the bottom of the mountain that we live on to wait for Nathie to pick us up in the Kombie :)
9:10 am: Nathie picks us up and brings us to Cup office.
9:20 am: Charlesa and I walk to the bank to get money out for a deposit for the house we are moving into.
9:45 am: we get back to office and I walk to the coffee shop to get coffee and muffins.
9:50 am: I get back to the office and eat my breakfast.
10:00 am: I get Charles set up ont he computer to post his blog.
10:05 am: I start playing Hearts on Nathie's computer, his internet isn't working, while I wait for Charles to finish on our computer.
10:30 am: I start reading and writing e-mails.
11:30 am: I finish up with e-mails. Wayne Wilson picks up Charles and I from office.
11:45 am: we head to the Rodger's house to pick up a weed eater.
11:50 am: we get the weed eater and eat a bean burrito, thank you Susan!
12:10 pm: we leave Rodger's house and are on our way to the Fonteyn Care Point.
12:20 pm: arrive at Fonteyn.
12:25 pm: Charles and Wayne start weeding the area where we want to plant a garden. I watch and wait for the children to get out of school.
1:00 pm: the children get out of school and we start playing games. They love games in a circle.
2:15 pm: we lwave Fonteyn and head back to Rodger's house.
2:25 pm: back at Rodger's to drop off weed eater.
2:30 pm: head back to Cup office.
2:45 pm: back at the ooffice. I start helping Patrick make these cards for a game we want to do at camp this month.
3:15 pm: we run out of paper. I get online to do more emailing.
3:50 pm: Jordan call on iChat!! We talk for about 5 minutes, he has company over.
4:10 pm: Jordan calls back, i love iChat, and i get to talk to Kristin for about 15 minutes!! GREAT!!
4:35 pm: finish up e-mails. we leave the office.
4:40 pm: I run into Spar grocery store. I buy chicken breasts, milk, cereal and dippas(tortilla chips).
4:50 pm: we head to the Rodger's house to pick up Patrick. He had his car worked on earlier and the car place drove it around all day and ran out his gas. He stopped at the gas station on the way home, but they were out of gas. He didn't have enough to get anywhere else but home. We are now bringing a gas can too fill up. The first gas station that we come to is closed.
5:20 pm: the boys drop me off at home to start cooking while they contine the hunt for gas. I cook mashed potatoes, baked chicken, broccolie and cauliflauer.
6:10 pm: the boys are back and not 5 minutes in the door, Charles blows a fuse when he turns on the lamp in the bedroom.
6:25 pm: we finally get electricity back on. We have a gas stove so dinner has not been interupted.
7:15 pm: we eat dinner, yummy!!! Then we each have one square of caramello foe dessert. thank you Jana :)
7:45 pm: we all three sit on our love seat and watch the end of Weakest Link.
8:00 pm: My Best Friend's Wedding is on TV. Yeah!! We get to watch a movie :)
8:15 pm: we make tea. twinings, strawberry mango, yum!!
10:05 pm: movie ends, Patrick leaves, I get into bathtub.
10:49 pm: after blowdrying my hair, brushing my teeth and taking my vitamins, I get into bed.
10:50 pm: I start reading my bible and having a quiet time.
11:40 pm: I am finished reading and praying and now I ready to turn off the lights and go to bed.
12:00 am: never fails, our late night phone calls, my cousin calls, Mary Claire. Yey!! I haven't talked to her since I got here!! We talk for about 30 minutes, then I finally crash!!