The Youngs

Anything but normal.

Monday, June 26, 2006


Well we had such a great time with Mrs. Sherri's team. They came to teach a teacher's workshop, and it was incredible. We really saw God move. The teachers came with such expectant hearts and God proved faithful. He moved in a mighty way. We especially had a great time visiting with Mrs. Sherri and her team. It was so good to see someone from home. Thank you guys so much for the obediance to come here, God truly used you!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

St. Marks

St. Marks school is one of the 2 schools in swaziland that has the most influence in the kingdom of swaziland. When we had the national day of prayer there about 2 weeks ago, the head teacher had asked me to come back and do the assembly. I said most definitely. Well, yesterday me, my wife, patrick and roger went to the school. Roger and kristen sang 2 worship songs which brought the presence, patrick was snapping photos which brought the fire, and I spoke which brought confusion. Just kidding. I started off by saying, "Since I am speaking to swazi's, I thought I would dress in swazi." I pulled my jacket off stepped around the podium and they went crazy. I shared my testimony, and then went in to the presence of God. I asked the students "how are we ever going to walk in victory if we aren't walking in the presence of the One who helps us walk in the victory." Man God and His AWESOME SPIRIT showed up and started working in the lives of the kids. At the end when the bell rang the teacher said keep going so we did a salvation call. SWEET< AWESOME,HALLELUAH 20 or 30 people gave there lives to Christ so were going to have a few more friends there to hang out with.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

National Day of Prayer Pictures

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gods on the move

This last week was awesome. The first part of the week was great. We moved around the schools trying to let them let us in to have a day of prayer. Jesus showed up and gave us the yard pass to praise His name and make him famous. We met with 4 diffrent high schools and all four were good. Its funny how when you go into an environment where there is a language barrier and there has to be a translator to help you communicate, Jesus shows up and everyone is speaking the same language. Well to make a long story short there was about 7 to 8 hundrend kids per school that showed up for prayer. Man talk about making Jesus famous. Our whole theme was cry out in one loud voice to make Him famous. I think the whole mountain heard our prayers. I was able to speak for 20 minutes and the funny thing about that is that I made sense. They actually asked me to come back on the 21st of this month to speak at their assembly. I'm torn between talking about purity or Gods plan for your life. So pray that I will have a peace about one of them. But most of all pray for the kids that they leave better than they came in. Because I have a tendacy to make people a little messed up. just kidding... At the end of the week we had kids camp. Man what an awesome experience.We had about 180 kids and all of them gave there lives to Christ.Then me and pat dressed in traditional swazi wear and did the swazi dance yikes....

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Gentle Whisper

1 Kings 19:11-13
"Go out and stand before me on the mountain," the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.

How many times are we waiting for the thunderstorms and really we should be listening for the gentle whisper. I pray that I would be more aware of the whispers. I want to be like Elijah, knowing God so well that I do not jump at the windstorm thinking that it is God but that I would wait for the whisper.

Friday, June 02, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Childrens Cup Missionary

7:00 am: still sleeping
8:00 am: wake up and lay in bed for a few minutes.
8:15 am: get out of bed, put on a little make up, pull my hair into a pony tail, spray a little perfume, brush my teeth and leave the house.
9:00 am: we walk down to the bottom of the mountain that we live on to wait for Nathie to pick us up in the Kombie :)
9:10 am: Nathie picks us up and brings us to Cup office.
9:20 am: Charlesa and I walk to the bank to get money out for a deposit for the house we are moving into.
9:45 am: we get back to office and I walk to the coffee shop to get coffee and muffins.
9:50 am: I get back to the office and eat my breakfast.
10:00 am: I get Charles set up ont he computer to post his blog.
10:05 am: I start playing Hearts on Nathie's computer, his internet isn't working, while I wait for Charles to finish on our computer.
10:30 am: I start reading and writing e-mails.
11:30 am: I finish up with e-mails. Wayne Wilson picks up Charles and I from office.
11:45 am: we head to the Rodger's house to pick up a weed eater.
11:50 am: we get the weed eater and eat a bean burrito, thank you Susan!
12:10 pm: we leave Rodger's house and are on our way to the Fonteyn Care Point.
12:20 pm: arrive at Fonteyn.
12:25 pm: Charles and Wayne start weeding the area where we want to plant a garden. I watch and wait for the children to get out of school.
1:00 pm: the children get out of school and we start playing games. They love games in a circle.
2:15 pm: we lwave Fonteyn and head back to Rodger's house.
2:25 pm: back at Rodger's to drop off weed eater.
2:30 pm: head back to Cup office.
2:45 pm: back at the ooffice. I start helping Patrick make these cards for a game we want to do at camp this month.
3:15 pm: we run out of paper. I get online to do more emailing.
3:50 pm: Jordan call on iChat!! We talk for about 5 minutes, he has company over.
4:10 pm: Jordan calls back, i love iChat, and i get to talk to Kristin for about 15 minutes!! GREAT!!
4:35 pm: finish up e-mails. we leave the office.
4:40 pm: I run into Spar grocery store. I buy chicken breasts, milk, cereal and dippas(tortilla chips).
4:50 pm: we head to the Rodger's house to pick up Patrick. He had his car worked on earlier and the car place drove it around all day and ran out his gas. He stopped at the gas station on the way home, but they were out of gas. He didn't have enough to get anywhere else but home. We are now bringing a gas can too fill up. The first gas station that we come to is closed.
5:20 pm: the boys drop me off at home to start cooking while they contine the hunt for gas. I cook mashed potatoes, baked chicken, broccolie and cauliflauer.
6:10 pm: the boys are back and not 5 minutes in the door, Charles blows a fuse when he turns on the lamp in the bedroom.
6:25 pm: we finally get electricity back on. We have a gas stove so dinner has not been interupted.
7:15 pm: we eat dinner, yummy!!! Then we each have one square of caramello foe dessert. thank you Jana :)
7:45 pm: we all three sit on our love seat and watch the end of Weakest Link.
8:00 pm: My Best Friend's Wedding is on TV. Yeah!! We get to watch a movie :)
8:15 pm: we make tea. twinings, strawberry mango, yum!!
10:05 pm: movie ends, Patrick leaves, I get into bathtub.
10:49 pm: after blowdrying my hair, brushing my teeth and taking my vitamins, I get into bed.
10:50 pm: I start reading my bible and having a quiet time.
11:40 pm: I am finished reading and praying and now I ready to turn off the lights and go to bed.
12:00 am: never fails, our late night phone calls, my cousin calls, Mary Claire. Yey!! I haven't talked to her since I got here!! We talk for about 30 minutes, then I finally crash!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Life as Charles Young

First of all I would lie to apologize for not being able to post yesterday. I was super slammed and computer life is in the stone age so I just can't pop open the internet any time I want. So here we go 7am I the great man of God was in the presence. I call my bed the presence so if any body ask I'm always in the presence. 8am I started every morning the same. I got out of bed and started aggravating my wife. 9am I got to the office and screamed real loud sawubona everyone which means hello and then Gave everyone a hug with exception of Ben and Beano I gave them a what's up dog. 10am I went to some high schools and started trying to put together a prayer day for all the schools to bring them together as one and cry out with one loud voice to our savior. Well God showed up and gave me favor with the principals. They all agreed to have morning prayer on Monday the 5 of June. 11am still meeting with schools but at the last one. This one holds a special place in my heart. While I was waiting on the principal to show up I was able to talk with one of the teachers. She is an English teacher and anyone who can understand all the slang I say is awesome. But as she was teaching her class I had a little itch to just bust up in there class and see what's up. Well I was playing what's up peak a boo with them and then I just busted up in the room and said WHAT'S UPPPPP!!!!!!!! Well they all started laughing. So my job was done a very well needed interruption. Then the principal came back and She was a cool woman of God. They want me to come back and speak to the students. Everyone pray for the students.. 12 noon Headed back to the office and ate a pbj and picked up my beloved wife. 1pm Went to one of the care points to see if the cooks were there and to see if they needed anything. 2pm went to another carepoint and did the same thing. 3pm We had a bible club meeting with all the leaders to discuss the camp that were putting together. That lasted for a good 2 hours. So 5 o'clock rolls around and I said to myself man what a day I think its time to eat. So we rolled up to Ben and Susan house and chowed down. We usually hang there until about 11pm playing games and goofing off. There's no TV are cable so we have to be real creative which is a good thing. Then we went to the house and crashed. So thank you so much for reading this very important blog. Please stay in touch and lift up the people of Swaziland. Were praying for a move of God to sweep this country. Love everyone

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